By A Correspondent

    The Trump Administration had taken an appropriately aggressive approach towards countering the malicious and tyrannical policies of the Chinese communist government. With the elections in the USA over, all eyes are on President elect Joe Biden - What will be his strategy to contain China's nefarious intentions ? If experts are to be believed, China is going to have a very tough time in the wake of Biden's presidency. 

     During a meeting of bipartisan governors at Delaware, Joe Biden was asked if he wanted to punish China for the way it has been behaving. Taking a tough stance, he responded by saying that it wasn't about punishing the Chinese, but about making sure they understand they have to play by the rules.   There's no doubt Joe Biden is not a fan of the current Chinese regime. In February, he made it clear during a debate that he would not allow the Chinese to build critical US infrastructure, going as far as to call the Chinese President, Xi jinping, a "Thug". 

    Biden has also made it clear that those Chinese companies that steal US technology - as they've been known to do so on multiple occasions - will be cut off from the US market and Financial system. Despite China's disapproval, he has long been in support of Taiwan and it's democratically elected government.

    The abuse of Human rights by the Chinese regime is also major issue raised by Biden. Biden's campaign had labelled the targeting of Uyghur Muslims a "genocide" back in August. He also enjoys this support of the pro democracy advocates in Hong Kong, where the Chinese have cracked down of civil liberties. In September, Biden announced that if he was voted to power, he would sanction the Chinese officials responsible for Human rights abuses in Tibet. He added that he would meet the Dalai Lama and appoint a new special coordinator for Tibetan affairs. 

    Embittered by Biden's win, Zheng yongnian, a Chinese government adviser said that it cannot be assumed that US-China relations will get better under the new administration. He added that Joe Biden was a very weak president who could start a war. It is very apparent that Beijing is scared that Biden will put an end to it's bloodthirsty egocentric agenda. 

The Chinese shouldn't forget Biden has decades of experience when it comes to dealing with China. During his tenure as the Vice president under Obama's administration, he visited Beijing multiple times to gather support for Obama's key policies. It would be nothing but foolishness on the part of the Chinese to take Biden lightly.         

Michuzi Blog

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