TANZANIA Bureau of Standards (TBS) director general, Dr Athuman Ngenya presents an ISO 22000-2018 certificate for  food safety management system to Amir Hamza (T) LTD director Jibraan Hamza during the event held in Dar es Salaam at the weekend. Accompanying him (left) is CEO and Chairman Amir Hamza while looking on from (left) are director of Testing Eng Johanes Maganga and TBS Certification manager, Eng Johanes Kaisi. (Photo by correspondent) 

IN ensuring Tanzanian products meet International market standards and compete with others, a Kagera based Instant coffee processing company (Largest in East & Central AFRICA) Amir Hamza (T) Ltd has received an ISO 22000:2018 certification for food safety management system.

The biggest challenge facing export producers is the lack of international standards which guarantees product quality. 

Tanzania Bureau of Standards  (TBS) which is accredited ISO certification body in Tanzania, handed over the certificate to The  Company over the week.

This means that the Company conforms to International Food safety Management procedures and products from the factory have  acquired  a green-light to be sold to any of the international markets worlwide.

The company's chief Excecutive  Director, Mr Amir Hamza said the certificate meant a lot because local Agro producers fail to reach the International markets due to lack of ISO Food Safety Management systems certification.

"We started at Sido level, today is major milestone to our company. We export coffee to EU countries where many of the coffee off takers often ask if our products meet internationally accepted food safety standards" he said, adding Tanzanian coffee is among the popular and preferred by users.

He said to get  ISO 22000:2018  was not easy, and the company is very grateful to the government for continuing to keep the industrial impetus and create a better investment environment. 

After this the Company can now supply coffee to all International markets in Africa, EU & other Countries World wide.The company was producing below capacity due to Covid & other challenges but things have started to normalize and soon the production will be increased.

"We have capacity to produce 6000 tonnes of of Instant Coffee, but were producing under capacity. In the coming years we will  produce full capacity and probably expand.”he said.

Michuzi Blog

Tanzanian blog operating since 2005, covering International news and Local News, including Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers.

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