The final winner of Absa Bank Tanzania's three-month Spend & Win campaign, Ms. Amalia Lui Shio (center), receives the ignition key to a brand-new 2024 Subaru Forester from the bank’s Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Lilian Swere, during a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The campaign aimed to encourage more Tanzanians to adopt digital banking solutions, such as debit and credit cards, which offer safety, convenience, and access to a wide range of banking services. Also present were senior officials from Absa Bank.
The final winner of Absa Bank Tanzania’s three-month Spend & Win campaign, Ms. Amalia Lui Shio, is seen in a jovial mood shortly after receiving her brand-new 2024 Subaru Forester from the bank’s Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Lilian Swere, during a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam today. The campaign aimed to encourage more Tanzanians to adopt digital banking solutions, such as debit and credit cards, which offer safety, convenience, and access to a wide range of banking services.

Some members of Absa Bank Tanzania’s staff celebrates with Ms. Amalia Lui Shio, the third winner of the bank’s three-month Spend & Win campaign, shortly after she received her brand-new 2024 Subaru Forester during a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam today. The campaign aimed to encourage more Tanzanians to adopt digital banking solutions, such as debit and credit cards, which offer safety, convenience, and access to a wide range of banking services.
Ms. Amalia Lui Shio, the third winner of the Absa Bank Tanzania Spend & Win three-month campaign, drives off in her brand-new 2024 Subaru Forester shortly after receiving it at a function held in Dar es Salaam today.

The final winner of Absa Bank Tanzania's three-month Spend & Win campaign, Ms. Amalia Lui Shio (center), dances alongside traditional ngoma artists during the handover ceremony of a brand-new 2024 Subaru Forester. The vehicle was presented to her by the bank’s Head of Retail Banking, Ms. Ndabu Lilian Swere, in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The campaign aimed to encourage more Tanzanians to adopt digital banking solutions, such as debit and credit cards, which offer safety, convenience, and access to a wide range of banking services.

Michuzi Blog

Tanzanian blog operating since 2005, covering International news and Local News, including Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers.

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Hii ni Blog ya Watanzania popote walipo duniani kwa ajili ya kuhabarisha, kutoa/kupokea taarifa na kuelimisha mambo yote yaliyo chanya kwa Taifa letu. Tafadhali sana unapotoa maoni usichafue hali ya hewa wala usijeruhi hisia za mtu/watu. Kuwa mstaarabu...