Dar es Salaam 20th December 2022 - The Tanzania Bankers Association (TBA) members have elected NBC Bank Managing Director Mr. Theobald Sabi as Chairman for two years of tenure, renewable, effective January 2023.

Mr. Sabi, a seasonal banker, was elected by TBA members at their 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Dar es Salaam on 19th December 2022. He is succeeding Mr. Abdulmajid Nsekela, MD and CEO - CRDB Bank, who has completed his two terms this December.

Mr. Geoffrey Mchangila, Chief Executive Officer of Citibank Tanzania, was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Association.

Commenting about the appointment, Sabi said, "I feel privileged to chair this important association. Banks have a special role in the inclusive economic development of our country. I look forward to working with all members to create meaningful value for all stakeholders," he said.

The Tanzania Bankers Association was established in 1995 as an association before being incorporated as a company limited by members' guarantee in 2012. It is the main policy advocacy body for members of the banking fraternity seeking to create a common voice and a conducive environment for economic development as well as promoting financial literacy and inclusion. At the moment, TBA has a total of 42 active members.

The 10 TBA-AGM also approved the new five-year (2023-2028) strategy that sets out the Vision, Mission, and strategic choices focusing on Advocacy, Research & Analytics, Communication & Engagement with strategic partners as well as promotion of Competence and Professionalism in a bid to contribute to the growth of the Banking Sector and spearhead social and economic prosperity.

Apart from top leadership of TBA, the AGM also elected nine new members of the Governing Council, who will be responsible for oversight and policy decisions on TBA's activities and direction. The elected Council Members are Ms. Ruth Zaipuna, CEO- NMB Bank Plc; Dr. Salim Muhsin, MD- PBZ Bank; Ms. Isabela Maganga, MD-Equity Bank(T); Mr. Jaffari Matundu, CEO- EXIM Bank; Mr. Abdulmajid Nsekela, CEO and MD - CRDB Bank Plc.; Mr. Kevin Wingfield, CEO- Stanbic Bank; Mr. Abdi Mohamed, CEO and MD-Absa Bank(T); Mr. Herman Kasekende, CEO and MD-Standard Chartered; and Mr. Edward Talawa, CEO - FINCA Tanzania.

Tanzania Bankers Association is a member-based advocacy body for the banking sector that represents the voice of the nation's TZS 46.9 trillion worth banking industry composed of small, regional, and large banks; the sector directly employs around 17,000 people and more than 2 million people indirectly, through financing their various economic activities including businesses; safeguards at least TZS 29.4 trillion as deposits, and extends more than TZS 27.2 trillion in loans.

Michuzi Blog

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