The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is deeply concern with the deteriorating security situation in Sudan, following the outbreak of fighting in capital, Khartoum, and other areas since 15th April 2023, between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The ongoing fighting has not only resulted in loss of lives, injuries and destruction of property but also is a serious setback to peace process in Sudan.

In this respect, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania as a member of Peace and Security Council of the African Union welcomes and fully subscribes to the Communique issued at its meeting held on 16th April, 2023. In particular, Tanzania joins the PSC in condemning in the strongest terms the ongoing armed confrontation in Sudan.

In particular, the Government of Tanzania urges the parties concerned in Sudan to exercise restraint and refrain from any action that may further escalate violence, causalities and humanitarian crisis in that country. Furthermore, Tanzania calls upon the parties concerned without condition to engage in dialogue in order to find a solution of their differences through peaceful means.

Moreover, while reports indicate that so far, no Tanzanian has been affected by the fighting, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania calls upon all the parties concerned to ensure the safety of all the people, not only the Sudanese but also all the foreigners in Sudan, including Tanzanian Nationals.

Finally, the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania wishes to express its readiness to support efforts by the United Nations, the African Union, IGAD and the International Community, as a whole, aimed at finding a lasting peace to in Sudan. In this respect, we support the AU call to reject any external interference that could complicate the situation in Sudan.

Issued by:

Government Communication Unit.

Michuzi Blog

Tanzanian blog operating since 2005, covering International news and Local News, including Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers.

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