In the skies where dreams take flight,
Air Tanzania soars, a national delight.
With wings of steel and engines strong,
It carries hope, a melodic song.

Mbarouk and Mushi, pilots skilled and brave,
Steered the Boeing, over ocean wave.
From Seattle's shores to Tanzanian land,
Their journey's completion, a proud stand.

A new chapter begins, a tale untold,
As ATCL's story continues to unfold.
A dedicated terminal, a mark of pride,
For the national carrier, a smooth ride.

Prime Minister's words, a promise made,
To bolster the carrier, in every trade.
A new Boeing 737, named with care,
Ruaha National Park, to the air.

Local pilots, a proud moment to share,
Flying the new Boeing, with flair.
181 passengers, it can hold,
With fuel and speed, a story boldly told.

Fifteen aircraft in its fleet, a testament to our growth,
In the skies of progress, we take an oath.
With each new plane, our dreams expand,
Air Tanzania's journey, across the land.

Structural changes, operations refine,
Boosting competitiveness, a bright design.
Efficiency our goal, excellence our creed,
In the aviation world, we take the lead.

Guided by wisdom, our President stands strong,
Leading with grace, where hope belongs.
Under her leadership, we aim for the sky,
Soaring on high spirits, as we fly.

Thank you.

Written by Christopher Makwaia
Tel: +255 789 242 396

- The writer, is a University of West London graduate (formerly Thames Valley University) and an expert in Management, Leadership, International Business, Foreign Affairs, Global Marketing, Diplomacy, International Relations, Conflict Resolution, Negotiations, Security, Arms Control, Political Scientist, and a self-taught Computer Programmer and Web Developer.

Michuzi Blog

Tanzanian blog operating since 2005, covering International news and Local News, including Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers.

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