Some white people tend to say that we, Africans have not fully evolved to a state of perfection that befits the criteria to be considered as human being. However the medical evidences object that, experience seem to support that very claim.
There is no need to write much as Mr. John Mashaka has already written most of it, and therefore I propose one radical solution to our intellectual lazyness, idiocy, and backwardness. First of all we must accept that, we Africans, at this stage, have been found wanting in developing our own countries, and our lives have no any sense of purpose.
Secondly, we should look for a new teacher and give them the responsibility to train us on how it should be done. We should therefore request the Germany Government to enter a colonial contract with our country, Tanzania.
We should give them the mandate to colonise and rule us in the very same way as they did in the past. They should use the old draconian ways of disciplining africans, (the use of cane). They should ensure that thrift, responsibility, self awareness, and hardworking culture are again instilled into our people until when the they think that we do fit the category of being declared human beings.
In return, they will have the contol of our resources, which together with our work force, will be used to develop both countries, Tanzania and Germany. Why did I suggest Germany? Unlike the british, the French, Italians, Belgians and other former colonial masters, (who were very busy impoverishing and stealing from their colonies); The Germans have proved to have a real interest in developing their colonies.
Its my own opinion and open to a debate
Mdau Matangalu
Kutoendelea kwa mtu mweusi au ulazy kwa kiasi kikubwa kumesababishwa na mazingira mazuri ya kuishi mungu aliyotupendelea Africa. Reaction ya Binadamu katika kupambana na maisha huwa kwa kawaida inakuwa sharp kama mazingira ni magumu na ya hatari. Africa babu zetu walikuwa wanaishi kwenye mapango hali ya hewa inaruhusu kuishi bila kujifunika, matunda na wanyama pori kibao, mito mingi yenye maji safi na samaki. Hawakuwa na sababu ya kujibidiisha. Ukiangalia huku ulaya hali ni tofauti. majani na mimea inachipua wakati wa majira ya spring na kuendelea vizuri summer. autum na winter hakuna kinachokuwa, lazima akili ichemke. unacover vipi hiyo miezi ya hali mbaya. winter ni balaa tupu hebu fikiria miaka hiyo gasi na umeme ulipokuwa bado haujavumbuliwa inamaana makaa ya mawe na kuni ndizo zilizokuwa zinatumika ndani kuheat nyumba na bila shaka ajali za moto zilikuwa nyingi. Asili ya wazungu ingekuwa Africa nahakika hata nguo wangekuwa hawajaanza kutengeneza, hawa jamaa wanapenda kukaa uchi sana. majira ya joto watu hapa ulaya hawashikiki kila mtu anataka aende vacation, pati kila siku, kila mtu anataka kukaa naked na ndio muda sisi weusi tunapopata neema ya kazi nyingi. huwa najiuliza hii summer ingeendelea kwa miezi kama 7 tu, ingekuwa taabu sana maana jamaa wanapenda pombe ni hakuna. ukisoma tafiti mbalimbali za hivi karibuni zinazojaribu kuchambua umaskini wa Africa, nyingi zinaonyesha umaskini Africa unachangiwa na kukosekana kwa good Governance katika serikali za nchi zetu. Miaka ya 90 mpaka 2000 ilionekana labda microfinace sector could be a solution to help on poverty reduction lakini hata baada ya UN na IMF kutoa mapesa mengi kwa nchi maskini katika mfuko maalum wa millenium challenges bado speed ni ya minyato na sometimes ni kinyumenyume. hatuhitaji wakoloni kwa mara nyingine tena, ijapokuwa tunatawaliwa indirect kwa kuwa hatuna uwezo kudictate terms of our own destiny. Watanzania tuamke kiongozi ambaye hana mwelekeo tupige chini kwa kutumia haki yetu ya kupiga kura. Tanzania inabidi tuachane na ushabiki wa vyama, viongozi wanaweka maslahi ya vyama vyao mbele kuliko ya Taifa. Inawezekana labda utafiti ungefanywa kwa kina miaka iliyopita kuna uwezekano Africa tungekuwa hatuhitaji hata vyama vya siasa. mfumo wetu wa kufikiri ni tofauti sana na wazungu. Viongozi wana lack priorities katika kushughulikia mambo ya kitaifa katika hali ya ajabu na kutisha. Good Governance is only solution to end poverty.
ReplyDeleteI am still shocked at your idea of even selecting who should colonise us again! Its a pure sign of how some Tanzanians are still living in cocoo land, the white people were here, they only developed some of the infrastructures for their own sake, if they come back again, do you think they would love us so much that they strengthen our infrastructure to suit us? Hell no! They would set up things to suit themselves, and by the time they are leaving they would be so rich wewe mbongo!
ReplyDeleteThe only solutions to our problems is to wake up, work more harder and smarter, get rid of all ufisadi and vile malpractices which are under developing us, can we do it? YES WE CAN!
But instead we will still elect them vile MP's, put the fisadis in committees, boards and ministries, hey wa Tanzania, when are we going to learn?? I am still shocked at your idea of even selecting who should colonise us again! Its a pure sign of how some Tanzanians are still living in cocoo land, the white people were here, they only developed some of the infrastructures for their own sake, if they come back again, do you think they would love us so much that they strengthen our infrastructure to suit us? Hell no! They would set up things to suit themselves, and by the time they are leaving they would be so rich wewe mbongo!
The only solutions to our problems is to wake up, work more harder and smarter, get rid of all ufisadi and vile malpractices which are under developing us, can we do it? YES WE CAN!
But instead we will still elect them vile MP's, put the fisadis in committees, boards and ministries, hey wa Tanzania, when are we going to learn??
Your pervasive solution does not fit within the modern society regardless of ideal agreements.
ReplyDeleteThe world has far advanced to the degree as to the disdain of slavely and exploitation.It can not happen but NEO interventionism is prevalent.(IMF)
I believe,a lot is being done and addressed with regard to ensuring socio economic progress,and I don't attempt to discredit efforts but the adequacy of solutions versus problems.
The Mashaka article put forth cultural issues of laziness,get rich quickly ideology,drunkeness,noise pollution etc he observed vividly.
There are economical,political,educational operational complaints written for the very objective of ensuring effort to social economic progress,which I think the government works tirelessly on them.
Therefore,there is need of concerted actions by the goverment to focus strategically on:-good standard of enterpreneur education,adult practical education,accountability,moral values and standards,economic policies(FDI),health and many more solutions.
Mdau ( John ) UK
ReplyDeleteWE just need 6 Germans; President, Prime Minister and 4 ministers (Natural Resources & Tourism; Infrastructure development;Trade and Industry Development; Water, Energy & Minerals ...... that's it!
ReplyDeleteby you proposing this neo-colonial agreement, which in reality is the equivalent of an administrative management contract in the world of commerce, undermines the very value that you misguidedly pursue (I give you the benefit of the doubt of not being a materialist without any regard for the ideal of freedom, leave alone the struggles of emancipation and self-determination fought by our forefathers.
ReplyDeleteYou see, outsourcing the governance of our country, is a resolute acknowledgment in favor of the proclamation of our inferiority as well as a hungry bid to participate in mass accumulation in a flawed capitalist system.
If it is ideas like these on the fringe and one end of the spectrum in the country I am certainly hopeful that there are clouds of concepts on the other end holding merit in value, intellectual vigor, creativity, innovation and most importantly humanity.
Africa is going through a intellectual and creative revolution. More specifically Tanzania. The fat hippos that presently reign days are numbered.
I hope you are jocking! if not I think you need to get your psych and selfesteem checked.
ReplyDeleteMatangalu - you need serious counseling! To even suggest such a thing is inhumane and with all due respect shows idiocy on your part!
ReplyDeleteIch möchte mit Ihnen einig,
ReplyDeleteGehen Sie auf die Bring Deutschland
kaka michuzi plz naomba unipe profile kidogo kuhusu huyu celeb john mashaka kwan anakua maaruf afu simfahamu,huenda 2kawa 2napigana sana vikumbo huku -mdau wa longi
ReplyDeleteYou came short of thinking cause you are forgetting the facts that Germany built the so called infrastructures cause they never anticipated of quitting and the British never built anything cause we were under their trustee! and be happy that there were WWI and II since if not you would have remained a colony and feel what it means!
ReplyDeleteNO one is ready to succumb and be subjugated to the humiliatoin our ancestors went through.
ReplyDeleteThe are people in this country who work so hard and are extremely responsible for their doings but the many of the Tanzanians have a laisser-faire attitude and a way of living that is unacceptable hence bringing this country down.
A sense of responsibility and hardwork starts at home as the first institution of building a person's life.
Once its messed up at home then everything goes wrong.
Mdau Andrew wa Arusha.
So far, 6 indians run the TRL, 6 Zungus run the mines and gas, and 6 other European decents run tourism, hotels, hunting etc. According to RAM there are also 5 fisadis ruining the economy and embezzeling tax revenue. I guess there another 6 recruits from Bonn, together with Maximo from Brazil can do better for out history.
ReplyDeleteAugustine Lyatonga Mrema Fits of 1990s fits the kind of Germany we need In Tanzania. When I am looking around I doubt if people like John Mashaka, Prof. Shayo, January Makamba, Nnape Nauye will ever be the good Colonialist to improve the devastated economy and living standard of many Tanzanians.
ReplyDeleteI would put Mh. Masha, Bernad Membe In the category of the British rule while Samuel Sitta the Belgium. If you look critically we have no Germany, so, may be we need to cross breed to somehow somewhere to get the people of germany type.
ReplyDelete..matangalu, heko nawe kujitutumua kuandika!..chambilecho cha ‘baba’ Moi: ‘nayo si maendeleo ?!’
ReplyDelete-ni ushuhuda tosha kua wewe si mvivu wa kufikiri. ila jee zako nazo ni fikra sahihi ama laa?
- waujua msemo wa 'ukitaka kumficha kitu mmatumbi, kichapishe (tia kwenye kitabu/maandishi)!'..hivi wadau wachangiaji wengi globuni 'hupoteza muda' wao kudurusu (hii ni pamoja na yule al-maaruf, al-wattan Masiya) fikra na wanafalsafa adhimu wa dunia hii, hususan wa kimatumbi ?..
-'musipoteze muda wenu kuvumbua gurudumu upya'!..kwani si liliishavumbuliwa tayari?..tafadhali acheni alinacha!..vema, anzieni pale wenzenu wameishia?..Matangalu mtafute Walter Rodney ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’ umsome..uone kama muktadha wa hoja zako hapa bado utasimika!..Kesi ya nyani umpe ngedere!; yeye alokufikisha hapo ulipo (na kimawazo yako pia, masikini!), umwombe aje akunusuru, kweli?..kama sasa hivi tuna ‘inshu’ kemkem za wanasheria wetu kushindwa ‘kukata’ mikataba (madini/atc, nk nk) kwa manufaa na mustakbali mwema wa taifa letu, halafu utawaamini watengeze mikataba ‘mujarabu’ ya kutawaliwa kwetu tena? Yaani watutose kipeo cha 10!..mmnh, temea mate chini..kuna mdau amesema hapo juu, na ashakum si matusi, ila mtazamo huu unahitaji mwenye nao ‘akapimwe’..miaka 45+ baadaye, kuna kasumba bado la ku-‘koloniwa’ !!
-hatukatai wamatumbi tuna matatizo na mazonge makuu..lakini jee hakuna wenye nia njema, wamo katika kuhangaika: south-south za jkn, tito n.k; bandung conf/nam; nepad; jumuiya za kijiografia (EAC/SADC)..yote ni kufurukuta tuendelee kuhangaika, ila Matangalu na wenzako wachache ndio sababu hawa mabeberu hawatataka hata kuja kutawala huku ila kuendelea kama ilivo sasa..akina jkn wangeita ‘mirija’, sasa dunia imekwenda mbele tunaiita ‘rimoti’..najua nikitamka neno ukoloni mamboleo’, ndo utachefukwa zaidi!..UzenG !
The future is bleak if there is such latent inferiority. The whole debate this and the original one are full of KAFKAESQUE concerpts. Please good people put an end to this non ending self mutilation and degradation and self hating,focus your energies on development of mother land. JFK said
Safi sana Matangalu, ukifanya analysis vizuri ya system ya governance ya nchi yetu, na ukitafakari namna ya kutoka, then this one of the best solution, pamoja nakuwa inakatisha tamaa, inadhalilisha na ni matusi, but the way we are running things, we deserve it or itokee Tsunami itumalize wote, waje watu wapya lazima watatoka tu. Mungu aturehemu aisee!!
ReplyDeleteThis guy is the new version of German kibaraka.What did they give you in return anyway?
ReplyDeleteHitler would have loved your ideas Matangalu.You are the German hero in TZ.Keep it up, we will soon be under German sharing our resources.
ReplyDeleteME is surprised at all the hullabaloo about our backwardness- TROPICAL CLIMATE is our undoing-just tell me one country in this climate which is doing at least 50% fine-tropical africa,latin america all fall under this category.NO point in barking up the wrong tree-and as weather is GOD given there is nothing we can do
ReplyDeleteWatanznia wote waondelewe tuwaazime nchi Wajapani kwa miaka 10.naamini kutakuwa hakuna nchi yeyote duniani ya kufananisha na Tanzania kimaendeleo. kwa nini? mfumo wao ni haki sawa kwa wote, na kutumia akili kwa uwezo wao wote. Wajapani hawana, natural resources, hawana ardhi ya kutosha,ila akili tu. na wanamaendeleo makubwa duniani.sisi watanzania tuna kila kitu ila maendeleo yanarudi nyuma.this is bushit!!!!itafikia wakati sisi wenyenia ya kuwajibika na kuleta maendeleo,resources zote zimekwisha. matokeo yake nini? tutakuwa maskini milele.
ReplyDeleteMatangalu, weather I agree with you or not its another matter. What I find more interesting in this forum is the response from wadau. By reading these comments I get impression that these are the educated Tanzanians. Most of them are critic to the "Bring the germans" idea..,; Brilliant English has been written, with big word like "succumb, subjugate, cocoo land, fringe end of the spectrum, etc". yet none of them has offered or suggested an alternative solution. And this is the problem we have ia Tanzania. Every one can tell, but no one can show it. Unless someone comes with a credible alternative, I am inclined to agree with you.
ReplyDeleteYou can not be serious ! Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere must be turning in their graves !!
ReplyDeleteWhy not just copy their system, if you think it so efficient and effective? Instead you want to surrender your country's freedom sovereignty? You must be crazy.
Sam - USA
kwa taarifa yako, hicho unachokipendekeza ndicho haswa kinachoendelea sasa hivi. kwani ni nani anatawala tanzania (kiuchumi)? ni hao 'wafanyabiashara wa venice' (tukipenda kuwapamba kwa jina la wawekezaji). hawa akina kikwete na watu wake ni mawakala tu!!!
ReplyDelete... I heard there are people who see things very far in the future and their vision is not of this time. But here I see people who should have been born long time ago, there thinking is obselete. All we need is loyalty and using our mind fully! ... I prefer living in poverty but with freedom, rather than living rich with slavery!
ReplyDeleteChief Matangulu,
ReplyDeleteTanzania does not need Germans or other foreign nations to get out of its messy situation.
Probably this comment by An Economist magazine reader could be a cure for Tanzania's economic problems, that is Do Away With DEMOCRACY:
Chinese one party rule will not last forever, within our lifetimes we will see democracy come to china, and then the Chinese will be stuck in a state of indecision like the rest of us.
Yes in Asia, generally speaking, authoritarian states have been very successful (not so much in South America, Europe, or Africa), however democracy does tend to win out in the end.
When democracy comes to a country, economic performance lags behind, social wealth fare spending sky rockets, and bureaucracy and red tape grow so large and become burdensome.
While I’m not hating on democracy, a system which has given us free speech, freedom and a voice in how our country is run, it does prevent the necessary reform being made when needed, and is awfully susceptible to demagogues.
A good example is India, while the rest of Asia raced ahead under authoritarian regimes; the world’s biggest democracy has lagged behind.
And yes while India today is seeing modest growth with the economic liberalization policies initiated initially by the BJP party, but it will never be able to rival china, unless Chinese adopt democracy, or if India becomes a authoritarian state with effective and efficient leaders who genuinely care about advancing their country, as china has.
The Economist Magazine 28 Sept 2009
One thing i know for sure is that the writer of this post is not educated. He might have gone to some formal schooling, but NOT EDUCATED. Just because you have that idiocy, inferiority complex and lazyness, it doesn't mean all Africans[Tanzanians] have the same psychological problems. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeletendugu, i really hate to remind you all that our african (tanzanian) problems have nothing to do with our so called "being lazy" because of the wonderful "climate, backwardness and primitivity". all i can state if that, if we fully develop all regions of tanzania, imrpove the infrastructure and give our fellow citizens the opportunity to trade, make a profit for their small companies and be able to meet the payroll demands, and live above the minimum wage, then tanzania will upgrade itself from the dumps of the third world right to the arenas of the first world nations.
ReplyDeletelet's learn from countries like israel, greece, malta and south korea. take the best from their systems and add to the best (call it good if you will) in our midst.
i wonder why young boys and girls from my village (Sali, Mahenge), which is afflicted with still abject poverty are not able to access education from the best primary/secondary schools, colleges, hospitals, get well jobs from the best business districts, and fly through the regional airports in the country after forty some years of independents?
if i may ask, for how long will we (tanzanians) continue to escape to western countries as "economic slaves/refugees/mules/blind mice" in search of better (working/living)opportunities on the corporate plantations of north america and europe?
is it a question of not believeing in ourselves or is an issue of a deep seated inferiority complex that dates back to 4th century when the arabs told (lied) our people (tanzanians) by conditioning them into believing that "all we were good for was to work as slaves on other people's plantations until time memorial"?
why do we always love anything european and hate (100%) all things tanzanian (african)? come on!!!!!!!! let's decolonize our minds and emancipate ourselves from mental slavery.
btw, talking of the german nation; have you found out what was done to all black males and females who were residents of various cities and towns during the third reich? have you? tafadhali, do you home work before you cry for recolonization of the republic of tanzania by the germans in 2009 and beyond.
Maoni 29 sasa yameshachapishwa. Bado hakuna aliyekuja na suluhisho. Kwa mustakabali huo basi, wazo la Matangalu bado ndiyo wazo lenye kuleta maana.
ReplyDeleteMatangalu ameongea maneno mazito sana katika hii mada yake. Niliposoma nimeona ujumbe wake umebebwa na maneno haya ya herufi kubwa: I propose one RADICAL SOLUTION to our INTELLECTUAL LAZYNESS, IDIOCY, and backwardness.
ReplyDeleteBusiness as usual haitatufikisha. Tunahitaji radical solution, tubadilike ghafla. Tusiwe tena wavivu wa kufikiri na wapumbavu. Njia anayosema itatuamsha ni kutandikwa bakora. Japo ni dhahiri amependekeza kwa dhihaka Wajerumani kututawala kama wakoloni, kimsingi anatuambia tunahitaji kucharazwa bakora ili tuzinduke. Hii ni kweli.
Sasa hivi taifa limekuwa kama changudoa. Tunahangaika kuyapanulia mataifa mbalimbali ya nje wigo wa kutunyonya kwa namna yanavyotaka yenyewe bila kujali sisi tunataka nini. Makampuni ya mataifa hayo yanadaiwa kuwapa viongozi wetu vipande thelathini vya fedha (dili la rada) na mataifa ya nje yanatupa misaada ya vitu kama vyandarua. Pendekezo la Matangalu ni tuwe na uaminifu kwa Wajerumani tu.
Amesema bakora za Wajerumani zinatakuwa kutufikisha hapa: ensure that thrift, responsibility, self awareness, and hardworking culture are again instilled into our people. Bila bakora tunaweza kuyafanya yote haya?
Maoni yangu binafsi ni kuwa tunahitaji mtu wa ndani atutandike bakora hizo. Kagame amenyoosha Rwanda. Mtu kama Mzee wa Kiraracha, ila mwenye kisomo zaidi angetufaa. Tunaye mtu wa namna hiyo?
Very stupid ideas from matngalu .. in fact Michuzi ikibid article kama hizi zisiwekwe kwanin zinazalilisha taifa kuona watu bado wanan mawazo ya luabudu wazungu kiasi wanaamini ili wafanye kazi basi lazima aambiwe na mzungu tena sio mzungu tu mjerumani. Na anaposema watanzania kwa hiyo na yeye anataka kuchapwa ili afanye kazi? sasa hivi ni nani anamchapa wakati akiwasubiri hao wajerumani wake? Ni kukosa kijothamini kwa hali ya juu kufikiria mawazo kama hayo ..Pia hiyo generalization ya kusema sisi watanzania inabooa sana .. sema wewe unatamani kuchapwa ili ufanye kazi . Watanzania wengi tunapiganan na maisha nyumbani naugaibuni halafu wewe unaleta mawazo ya ajabu hapa. Wewe unadhani Ujerumani hakuna wavivu ?wape opportunity uone kamam hawatalala? Suala sio utanzania kuusisha na uvivu au ukosefu wa ubunifu.. je hapa tunapooandika kakak michuzi ni mjerumani ? amechapwa ili kubuni hii globu? watu wengine mkoje? Tuelimishana umuhimu wa kufanya kazi kwa maendeleo ya taifa sio kuleta mawazo ya udhalilidshaji na kutojithamini kiasi hicho .. nasikia aibu kuona mtanzania ndie aliyeandika hayo. Pia Mashaka , observation zako nu=i kwa hiyo sample uliyokutana nayo na mawazo yako ni sahihi. Lakini jiepushe na generalization .. it is part of illogical reasoning and u seem to belogical so come back to the line. Huwezi kuona WATU FULANI WAMEBEHAVE HIVI UKASEMA WATU WOTE WAKO HIVI AU VILE .. KWA HIYO na wewe ni mtanzania je wewe pia ni mvivu?hujitumi?tuache kueneza negativity na blames .. tushauriana kwa kujiheshinu.Hata huko Ulaya watu wanabishana mpira hatat japan wanabishana mpira wa Uingereza it is part of being world citizen .. tusijifanye kujua saaana na kuleta dharau
ReplyDeleteWell, let,s see what reactions german citizens are having on their governments on other external policies such as German´s policy on Iran. Then u can call them to rule your family maybe.
ReplyDeleteGermany is opposed to military actions in the context of Iran's nuclear ambitions Germany's Iran Policy: It's the Economy, Stupid! Definitely not humanitarian considerations. More comprehensive sanctions [i.e. including commercial sanctions] would be tied to ever higher costs also for the West – and, in particular, for Germany. In 2004, Germany was the most important supplier of Iran (12.3% of all imports),
Current German policy in fact actively encourages exports to Iran: notably by having the German state assume the financial risks of German firms exporting to Iran (via the so-called "Hermes" program of export credit guarantees).Every German, adult and kindergarten regular knows that "Deutschland ist Friedensmacht !" Matangalu think again brother before deciding that these guys are our solution.
Blah blah blah blah ^100
ReplyDeleteit is pity and shame to hear a fellow citizen suggesting such option as our way of are the one to be caned...either you have studed in germany or staying ther but you have mentally eruded by your love to the germany, r u maried to a Nazi?
ReplyDeleteits time to stop blaiming the colonist for our underdevelopment and start looking at what went wrong for over 40 year to fail even to manage our own resources.
1. do we have good leaders?
2. do we have good economic,politics,educational etc policies?
3. our we accountable?
we fail bse we dont have visionary and competent leaders, most of our leaders are not heartly concerned with our developments but rather would go to any miles impressing outsiders, our leaders are selfish, corrupt and unaccoutable.
if i was to suggest one best way of taking our country back on trak, would be making an overhaul of our "management", CCM have failed us bse we had put all our trust in them.....
Mungu Ibariki blog hii pia
wewe anony wa sept 30, 11:45:00 bora ungeandika kwa kiswahili tuu, kulikoni kuja hapa kutuandikia takataka za kiingereza.
ReplyDeleteDumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Duuuuuuuuuuuhmb!
ReplyDeleteWho got into your brain!
ReplyDeleteKuna watu hapa ndani ya blog wanajaribu kuangalia rugha badala ya mada husika,Ngoja niwape story moja. Kuna Professor mmoja miaka ya nyuma kidogo alitoka Uk na kwenda kutoa mada Nigeria. Alitoa lecture kwa masaa kadhaa mbele ya waheshimiwa wabunge na wanazuoni wengine wa kinaigeria. mwisho wa mada akawa anasalimiana na kuchat na wajumbe huku akijaribu kupata maoni yao ktk kujua kama mada imeeleweka, wote aliowauliza walikuwa wanasifia jinsi rugha yake ya kiingereza ilivyotulia na kunyooka!! Akashika kichwa kwa masikitiko, masaa yote matano aliyokuwa anatoa mada watu walikuwa wanafuatilia kiingereza badala ya mada husika. Stupid African People.
ReplyDeleteKimsingi hakuna njia moja ambayo hiyo tukiifuata ndio italeta mapinduzi kwenye kila kitu. Ni lazima kuwe kuna mchanganyiko na ushirikiano wa strategies mbalimbali ili kuondokana na Hali tuliyonayo. Katika hizo njia mbali mbali unahitajika ufahamu wa yapi yapewe priorities kwanza na yapi yafuatie. tunahitaji Good governance(Utawala bora) ambao viongozi wakuu wa serikali hawataoneana aibu ktk kuwajibishana wanapoharibu kama tulivyoona ktk ishu za BOT na Richmond. Mafisadi wasiishie tu kutolewa madarakani, inabidi waende jela kabisa. Enzi za Mwalimu alipoamua kupeleka watu wazururaji mjini kwa nguvu Gezaulole kule kigamboni ilikuwa ni strategies moja safi sana, ambapo kwa miaka hii unakuta watu wa haki za binadamu wangepiga kelele. Lakini ktk historia ya Uingeraza miaka ya nyuma walishapeleka vilema na wasionamchango ktk nchi yao Australia. Kwa wakati huo Australia ilikuwa hakaliwi na watu ktk maeneo mengi. Maendeleo Ulaya yamepatikana kwa nguvu kubwa zilizotumika na serikali zao, uchu wa maendeleo kutokana na competition wakati wa uvumbuzi wa viwanda. Ukiangalia kwa makini wahusika wakuu wanaosababisha viongozi wetu wawe mafisadi ni sisi wenyewe watu wa chini. Mara ngapi utawasikia watu wakimsema vibaya mbunge au waziri aliyetumikia kipindi kirefu serikali yake na akajenga nyumba moja ya kawaida na kuishi na kausafiri kakichovu? Utawasikia watu..."Yule bwege sana, kakaa madarakani miaka kibao hana kitu kabisaa" kuanzia familia mpaka majirani tunamnyoshea vidole kuwa kachezea muda wake. Ktk hali hiyo tumekuwa tukishabikia ufisadi na huku kwenye blogs tunatafuta mchawi. Kwa leo ningeomba nitoe wazo moja. "NAFASI MOJA YA KUWA MSHAURI WA RAISI INGETANGAZWA NA WATU MBALIMBALI WATUME APPLICATIONS ZAO" Nimegumdua wapo wengi walio na uchungu na nchi yao na nia ya maendeleo ya kweli ila wapo nje ya siasa na hawana pa kupeleka hoja zao. Ndio maana kimsingi ktk mchango wangu wa kwanza niliona kuna umuhimu wa kuangalia kama Afrika tunahitaji vyama vya siasa. ni muhimu kuangalia Faida ya kuwa na vyama vya siasa na mchango wake katika maendeleo ya Afrika. Je vimeturudisha nyuma au tumekwenda mbele? Hii ni changamoto kwa wasomi. Please fanyeni hizo research.